folder structure

TWELITE SDK is prepared to store source code and other project files in a predetermined location based on the installation folder.

folder names and file names, including the SDK installation folder, should be alphanumeric characters a-z A-Z 0-9 _ - and a period separating the extension . Do not include spaces, other special symbols, or multi-byte character strings (e.g., Japanese).



The top-level folder of the TWELITE SDK.


Microcontoroller Library


Mono-Wireless Software Specification Agreement


makefile library


toolchain, programming tools, etc.




libTWENETUtils souce codes

.../MWSDL/Wks_TWELITEE, Act_samples, Act_extras

workspace for apps, samples.


The folder where the workspace is stored must be directly under the MWSDK, and the relative folder of the Makefile (described below) must not be changed.

Note: In MWSDK2021_09 and later, projects in other project folders can also run make, but you need to set MWSDK_ROOT.

.../MWSDK/{workspace dir}/{project dir}/Build/Makefile

The workspace for building programs contains multiple projects, each of which is stored in Wks_TWELITE and builds a separate application.。


The structure in the project is as follows: (Configuration varies by projec)

       build/          : Storage location for generated binaries
           Makefile    : Generation rules
  • Some sample projects may have a more complex structure. For example, multiple configurations, such as parent and child devices, may be maintained in a project.
