A structure defining the output destination specified by vfPrintf() vPutChar().




Serial port (E_AHI_UART_0 or E_AHI_UART_1 should be specified)

bool_t (*bPutChar) (uint8 u8Device, uint8 u8Char)


Pointer to the function for output, SERIAL_bTxChar() is provided for the SERIAL library.

SERIAL_bTxChar() puts the bytes passed as u8Char into a FIFO queue in the SERIAL library.

By preparing your own output functions, you can also use it to output strings to non-UART devices.

Sample code

#include "serial.h"
#include "fprintf.h"

tsFILE sSerStream;
tsSerialPortSetup sSerPort;

void vSerialInit(uint32 u32Baud, tsUartOpt *pUartOpt) {
	// initialize sSerPort

	// for vfPrintf()
	sSerStream.bPutChar = SERIAL_bTxChar;
	sSerStream.u8Device = E_AHI_UART_0;

void vSerOut() {
    vfPrintf(&sSerStream, "HELLO!");

The following is an example of using this as an output code for a character LCD.

#include "serial.h"
#include "fprintf.h"

tsFILE sLcdStream;

// handle LCD display
PUBLIC bool_t LCD_bTxChar(uint8 u8Device, uint8 u8Data) {
	int i;

	switch (u8Data) {
	case '\n':

void vInitHardware() {
    /* Initisalise the LCD */
    vLcdReset(3, 0);
    /* register for vfPrintf() */
    sLcdStream.bPutChar = LCD_bTxChar;
    sLcdStream.u8Device = 0xFF;

void vSomeOutput() {
    vfPrintf(&sLcdStream, "Hello World!\n");
