TWELITE NET has a LayerTree network as a relay network.
A LayerTree network is a relay network designed for efficient upstream delivery. LayerTree_mininodes, which are solely for transmission, are also part of the LayerTree network.
There is only one parent unit and all communication is centralised in the parent unit.
As a general rule, the direction of delivery is from the end node to the upper level and finally to the parent machine.
Downward delivery from the parent unit is by broadcast communication.
Communication between sub-units and repeaters is only possible after delivery to the parent unit.
However, it is possible to send directly between nodes that are within radio range by specifying their addresses.
The transponder predetermines its own number of levels.
Connect to a repeater within radio range that is higher in the hierarchy than your own (the repeater with the lower hierarchy number).
By using LayerTree Mininodes, which do not have a destination repeater but only transmit, they can act as sensor nodes with very low battery consumption. (App_Tag)
(RED) : Parent node
) : Child node which can relay. (n
represents number of layer)
(Blue) : Child node which can work with sleeping.
The parent machine is numbered 0 and can number its layers up to 63.
It is OK to skip numbers as long as they are in ascending order.