
When performing wireless transmission, the data to be transmitted, the destination, and various settings for transmission are stored in a structure and passed to the transmission API as a pointer.

List of members (simple net)


uint32 u32SrcAddr

送Source address. If less than 0xFFFF, short address. If it is less than 0xFFFF, it is a short address; if it is 0x8000000 or more, it is an extended address. Normally, the source address is specified by sToCoNet_AppContext.u16ShortAddress or ToCoNet_u32GetSerial().

uint32 u32DstAddr

Destination address. Short address if less than 0xFFFF. If it is less than or equal to 0xFFFF, it is a short address; if it is greater than or equal to 0x8000000, it is an extended address. A TOCONET_MAC_ADDR_BROADCAST (0xFFFF) indicates a broadcast transmission.

uint8 u8Cmd

Packet type. Can be freely set by the application. Value range: 0..7.

uint8 u8CbId

Callback ID, the value of which is set at the time of the transmission request and is passed by cbToCoNet_TxEvent(). This value maps the packet sent to the transmission completion event. This value is not included in the transmitted packet. Value range: 0-255.

uint8 au8Data[]

Packet payload (maximum packet size)

bool_t bAckReq

If TRUE set the ACK transmission request. Set to FALSE for broadcast communication.

uint8 u8Retry

The number of retransmissions performed by ToCoNet. if retransmissions at the MAC layer fail, ToCoNet will attempt to send the packet again. if MSB is set, the specified number of retransmissions will be performed regardless of success or failure. This bit should be set if more than one transmission is required, as most successful transmissions occur in broadcast communications. For example, if 0x83 is specified, the transmission is performed four times. The value range is from 0x0 to 0xF, 0x80 to 0x8F.

uint16 u16DelayMin, u16DelayMax, u16RetryDur

Delay u16DelayMin [ms] until transmission starts, then wait a maximum of u16DelayMax [ms]. The maximum value is determined by a random number and is used to create a deliberate blur in the timing of the transmission. After transmission starts, retransmissions are made at u16RetryDur [ms] intervals (this interval is fixed). This process is controlled by a system timer and is therefore performed with the precision of the timer ticks (standard is 4ms). There is no limit to the range of values, but in general it is around 1000ms at most.

uint16 bSecurePkt

Specify FALSE to send in plaintext, or TRUE to encrypt. Register the encryption key in advance with ToCoNet_bRegisterAesKey(). The maximum number of bytes used is reduced by 2 bytes. (Maximum packet size)
