
Configure the basic settings for the serial port. Specify the UART hardware to be used and the FIFO memory for input and output.

about u32BaudRate

The standard baud rates are 9600, 19200, 38400 and 115200 bps. Other values, out of range values, CBP and divider settings are possible, but are not supported.

If a high baud rate (230400,250000,500000,1000000 [maximum]) is set, processing problems such as dropouts may become more pronounced.

Sample code

tsSerialPortSetup sSerPort;

void vInitSer() {
	/* Create the debug port transmit and receive queues */
	static uint8 au8SerialTxBuffer[256];
	static uint8 au8SerialRxBuffer[256];

	/* Initialise the serial port to be used for debug output */
	memset(&sSerPort, 0, sizeof(tsSerialPortSetup));
	sSerPort.pu8SerialRxQueueBuffer = au8SerialRxBuffer;
	sSerPort.pu8SerialTxQueueBuffer = au8SerialTxBuffer;
	sSerPort.u32BaudRate = u32Baud;
	sSerPort.u16AHI_UART_RTS_LOW = 0xffff;
	sSerPort.u16AHI_UART_RTS_HIGH = 0xffff;
	sSerPort.u16SerialRxQueueSize = sizeof(au8SerialRxBuffer);
	sSerPort.u16SerialTxQueueSize = sizeof(au8SerialTxBuffer);
	sSerPort.u8SerialPort = UART_PORT_SLAVE;
