
Structure passed to cbToCoNet_vRxEvent() when a radio packet is received.。


uint8 u8Cmd

Packet type. This can be specified arbitrarily by the sender. It is used to distinguish between data and command packets. Value range: 0-7.

uint8 u8Len

Payload length. The length of the data stored in au8Data[] (see below). (Maximum packet size)

uint8 u8Seq

Sequence number. It is set arbitrarily by the sender. It is used to determine duplicate packets. Value range: 0-255.

uint32 u32SrcAddr uint32 u32DstAddr

Source and destination addresses. The range of 0-0xFFFF indicates the short address mode, and 0x8000000 or more indicates sending/receiving by the extended address. The range 0-0xFFFF indicates short address mode, while 0x8000000 and above indicates extended address mode.

uint8 auData[]

Payload. Data valid for the length of the payload (maximum packet size).

uint8 u8Lqi

Reception quality LQI value. Value range: 0..255 (corresponds to the field strength at the time of reception, 0 being the weakest and 255 being the strongest)

uint8 bSecurePkt

If the packet is encrypted, it will be TRUE. At this point, the auData[] has already been decrypted to plaintext.

uint32 u32Tick

Timestamp on receipt (u32TickCount_ms)
