
Here are the macros you can use by including utils.h.


Write one byte of memory.

uint8 *q = &sTx.au8Data[0];


Declare uint8 *q as a local variable and use it as a pointer to the area where you want to read the data. After evaluating the assignment operator, q++ is executed.


Write 2 bytes of memory.

uint8 *q = &sTx.au8Data[0];


Declare uint8 *q as a local variable and use it as a pointer to the area where you want to read the data. After evaluating the assignment operator, q+=2 is executed.

BE represents Big Endian.


Write 4 bytes of memory.

uint8 *q = &sTx.au8Data[0];


Declare uint8 *q as a local variable and use it as a pointer to the area where you want to read the data. After evaluating the assignment operator, q+=4 is executed.

BE represents Big Endian.


Reads a single byte of memory and stores the value in a variable of type uint8.

uint8 *p = &sRx.au8Data[0];

uint8 u8data1 = OCTET(); 
uint16 u16data2 = G_BE_WORD(); 
uint32 u32data3 = G_BE_DWORD();

Declare uint8 *p as a local variable and use it as a pointer to the area where you want to read the data. After evaluating the = operator, p++ is executed.


2バイトメモリを読み込み uint16 型の変数に値を格納する。

uint8 *p = &sRx.au8Data[0];

uint8 u8data1 = OCTET(); 
uint16 u16data2 = G_BE_WORD(); 
uint32 u32data3 = G_BE_DWORD();

Declare uint8 *p as a local variable and use it as a pointer to the area where you want to read the data. After evaluating the = operator, p+=2 is executed.

BE represents Big Endian.


1バイトメモリを読み込み uint8 型の変数に値を格納する。

uint8 *p = &sRx.au8Data[0];

uint8 u8data1 = OCTET(); 
uint16 u16data2 = G_BE_WORD(); 
uint32 u32data3 = G_BE_DWORD();

Declare uint8 *p as a local variable and use it as a pointer to the area where you want to read the data. After evaluating the = operator, p+=4 is executed.

BE represents Big Endian.


Converts values between 2000 and 3600 into 8-bit values.

  • 1.95~2.80V in steps of 5mV

  • 2.81~3.65V in steps of 10mV

// definition at utils.h
#define ENCODE_VOLT(m) \
	(m < 1950 ? 0 : \
		(m > 3650 ? 255 : \
			(m <= 2802 ? ((m-1950+2)/5) : ((m-2800-5)/10+171)) ))

uint16 u16Volt = 2860;
uint8 u8Volt_enc = ENCODE_VOLT(u16Volt);
uint16 u16Volt_dec = DECODE_VOLT(u8Volt_Enc);

Values between 2000 and 2800 are assigned to 8-bit values in steps of 5 and from 2800 in steps of 10.


Returns the 8-bit value obtained by ENCODE_VOLT() to its original value.

  • 1.95~2.80V in steps of 5mV

  • 2.81~3.65V in steps of 10mV

// definition at utils.h の定義
#define DECODE_VOLT(i) \
	(i <= 170 ? (1950+i*5) : (2800+(i-170)*10) )

uint16 u16Volt = 2860;
uint8 u8Volt_enc = ENCODE_VOLT(u16Volt);
uint16 u16Volt_dec = DECODE_VOLT(u8Volt_Enc);

Values between 2000 and 2800 are assigned to 8-bit values in steps of 5 and from 2800 in steps of 10.


Set port c as input

#define vPortAsInput(c) vAHI_DioSetDirection(1UL << (c), 0)


Set port c as output

#define vPortAsOutput(c) vAHI_DioSetDirection(0, 1UL << (c))


Set port c to Hi state

#define vPortSetHi(c) vAHI_DioSetOutput(1UL << (c), 0)


Set port c to Lo state

#define vPortSetLo(c) vAHI_DioSetOutput(0, 1UL << (c))

​​​vPortSet_TrueAsLo(c, s)

Set port c to Lo if s is TRUE, Hi if FALSE.

#define vPortSet_TrueAsLo(c, s)  vAHI_DioSetOutput((s) ? \
    0 : 1UL << (c), s ? 1UL << (c) : 0)


Reads port c, returns TRUE if Lo level.

#define bPortRead(c) ((u32AHI_DioReadInput() & \
    (1UL<<(c))) ? FALSE : TRUE)


Reads port c, returning TRUE if Lo level.

#define u32PortReadBitmap() (u32AHI_DioReadInput())

Bitmap 1 is Hi, 0 is Lo.

​bPortCheckBitmap(bitmap, c)

If the bit corresponding to port c of the read bitmap is Lo level, TRUE is returned.

#define bPortCheckBitmap(bitmap, c) \
    (bitmap & (1UL<<(c))) ? FALSE : TRUE)


Stop the pull-up on port c.

#define vPortDisablePullup(c) vAHI_DioSetPullup(0x0, 1UL << (c))


If you want to define a scope with switch, you have to write _C { ... }.

#define _C if(1)

// for example
switch(c) {
case 1:
  _C {
    uint8 u8work;
    ; // work
  } break;


A newline code (CRLF) string.

This is a 2-byte string literal, so it cannot be used with vPutChar().

#define LB "\r\n"

// for example
vfPrintf(&sSerStream, "HELLO WORLD!" LB);
